The rules
Aptos Scientific department developed recommendations for clinical photography for Aesthetic practitioners. We hope, these principles will help you in work and in performing scientific publications as well as presentations. Recommended time for taking photographs
- Before the procedure
- Immediately after the procedure
- 2 weeks after the procedure
- 1 month after the procedure
- 3 months after the procedure
- 6 months after the procedure
- 12 months after the procedure
Types of Cameras
- A digital single lens reflex (left) and a simple point-and-shoot camera (right) (Figure 1) (as a rule, it is advisable not to use a mobile phone to shoot patient photographs, especially facial photographs)
- The camera is placed atop a tripod in a fixed position
A speedlight (left) and a speedlight with a diffuser over the light (right) - softens the harsh bright light retaining facial features
The background should be an even, neutral, nonreflecting, monochromatic surface. The preferred background colours are white, grey and blue. White or light blue panels on walls or the backs of doors can be adapted in places where photographs are taken (e.g., in the clinic). Having a fixed designated place in the clinic for photography with the same background also brings uniformity.
Patient Preparation
- Hair - must be tucked away or tied such that none of the facial features are obscured
- Make-up – any patient should be make-up free
- Garments or accessories – must be removed or repositioned
- Jewellery – should be removed
Distance up to 90 sm - close-up photography:
- ears, nose, lips 90-150 sm
- face, neck 200-250 sm
- brest, abdomen, hips >250 sm (full height)
Patient Position 1 frontal view, 2 oblique views and 2 lateral views
- Frontal view - The Frankfurt Plane is a plane passing through the inferior orbital margin and the upper margin of each ear canal or external auditory meatus
- Oblique view (right and left) - From the frontal view, the patient's body is turned 45° to the photographer and he/she is asked to look straight ahead. In this case too, the Frankfurt plane is held horizontal and the patient looks ahead
- Lateral view (right and left) - From the frontal view, with the patient's whole body rotated 90° so as to align the nasal tip and chin. In this position, the head must be in its anatomic position with no lateral inclination, flexion or extension. The contralateral eyebrow should not be visible. The patient is asked to look straight ahead and images are shot asking the patient to assume a neutral face expression, holding a relaxed and natural head position, unless it is to assess muscular contractions
Useful tips and tricks Consent
A written informed consent must be obtained from the patient before photography. The consent must include a statement that the photographs are a part of the patient's medical records and that the photographs may be used for presentations, lectures and presentations. The consent must be a part of the physical medical record. However, whenever reproduced, care must be taken that the patient's identity is not revealed through the photographs. Furthermore, clinicians must be sensitive to the fact that some patients may not want to be photographed and may not consent for the same.